Y1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Harper

Welcome to Autumn Term in Year 1

A warm welcome back from all of the Year 1 staff. We hope you have all had a lovely summer and are looking forward to a new year at Elworth.


Squirrels - Mrs Harper with support from Mrs Noden and Mrs Evans  

Hedgehogs - Mrs Pepper and Mrs Copnall with support from Mr Street and Mrs Odutola.


Miss Hilditch will be supporting in Year 1 as a volunteer.  

Mrs Rookes is the KS1 Phase Leader. 

Start and End of the School Day

Our day starts at 8:40 am. The children in Squirrels and Hedgehogs access their classroom via the Middlewich Road gate.



Our Year 1 topic for the Autumn Term will be ‘Peep Into the Past’. We will be finding out about the toys our parents and grandparents played with, and how they compare with the toys we have today.  Our stories this Autumn Term are ‘Old Bear’, ‘Little Bear Lost’ and ‘Rapunzel’.  These are fantastic stories and we will base our writing and learning around these themes.



In English we are now exploring a the book 'Old Bear' and 'Little Bear Lost' by Jane Hissey. This is a book about a much-loved teddy bear is lost and finally found again. Bramwell Brown and his friends Little Bear, Duck and Rabbit attempt to rescue Old Bear from the attic using a number of ingenious methods. The same characters feature in 'Little Bear Lost' where a game of hide and seek is played but will Little Bear ever be found! These books are wonderful stories with beautiful illustrations and great vocabulary.  

In the 2nd half of the Autumn Term, we will be enjoying Rapunzel by Beth Woolin. A witty twist on a favourite fairy tale, this bold and funny story removes the handsome prince altogether, making Rapunzel the mistress of her own destiny. Golden-haired princess Rapunzel is kept trapped in her lofty tower by a wicked witch, who lops off locks of her beautiful hair and sells them for her own profit. Can Rapunzel ever figure out a way to escape?


General Information for Year 1


Homework will be set weekly. It will be set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday. This homework can be found by logging onto Spelling Shed and Maths Shed. Please let your class teacher know if you are having problems accessing either site.


The children will be continuing the Read Write Inc reading scheme.

Your child will read daily in school, as part of a small group. Some colours follow a 3 day reading system in school (Red, Green, Purple, Pink) and others follow a 5 day plan (Yellow, Blue, Grey).  Alongside this, they will be given a high quality story book to share with you.  This needs to be returned and will be changed on the same day as their RWI book.

We would love you to be reading with your child everyday at home, and ensuring you are signing their Reading Record once you have read with them. This is essential for their successful reading journey and to develop a love of reading.

You will also continue to have access to Oxford Owl and their library of resources and ebooks which match with the story they are reading in school. 

Oxford Owl Student Login

Please ensure your child has both their reading book and reading diary in school everyday and secured inside their plastic wallet.


Phonic screening check 2024

All children in Year 1 will be completing their phonic screening check on the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025. It is important that your child/children are in school that week. Please continue to watch the RWI phonic videos from the link sent via the school email to support your child. 



We will continue to have one P.E session a week on a Tuesday afternoon.

Children are required to come to school wearing their full PE Kit. With the guidance in place advising against changing clothes in school, children will be required to come to school wearing their full PE Kit on their allocated day (and also on Fitness Friday).

We are suggesting that the Elworth PE t -shirt and shorts/skort be worn underneath the Elworth jogging bottoms and zip up top on colder days.  A waterproof jacket is a necessity, in case of poor weather. Children will also need to come in wearing a sensible pair of sports trainers.


Swimming timetable to follow. 


Children will be able to order snacks on a daily basis. If your child is having a snack from home, please can you ensure it’s a healthy snack and avoid sending in chocolate or sweets.

Please ensure your child has a water bottle every day. In the current climate we are unable to provide cups for children who have forgotten their bottle.

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