Our catering supplier at Elworth CE is now Mellors.
Meals now cost only £2.30 each and snacks for morning break range from 25p - 60p.
We operate a cashless system where parents pay funds into their child’s account via Arbor Parent Portal All accounts should always be in credit. The pupils order their lunch from the menu at morning registration - this is to ensure they have their choice rather than what is left – and the cost is deducted at the point of order. Online payments can be made preferably via the Arbor Parent Portal. Weekly reminders by email/text will be sent out if you if your acount is not in credit.
Important Information about additional funding for your child's school - PLEASE READ
Pupil Premium is extra money given to schools to spend on a childs education. For 2021/2022 Elworth CE Primary will receive £1,320 for every child entitled to this extra funding. It is available for children, from Reception to Year 6, who are entitled to a free school meal.
When your child joins a school in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they will automatically be entitiled to receive a Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) every day. You do not need to apply for UIFSM. Even if your child recieves UIFSM, Elworth CE Primary still benefits from your successful Free School Meal application (FSM).
However, parents and carers who are eligible must apply for the additional Pupil Premium when their child starts school. Your child may be able to get this funding if you get any of:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit, provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
- Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying)
- Universal Credit - annual household imcome after tax/benefits of less than £7,400
Please check your entitlement by phoning the helpline below:
- Free School Meals Helpline - 0300 123 5012
- Alternatively you can complete the Free School Meals enquiry form online at
Cheshire East will assess your claim and if successful will begin the same day. If your claim is not successful or requires further information, they will contact you.
For children joining Reception in September 2021 who qualify for pupil premium, Elworth CE Primary school can offer aditional valuable support to families with extra tuition, school trips, and after school activities.
If you think you may be eligible for Pupil Premium, it is really important that you apply online or by phone to help make sure Elworth CE Primary school is as well funded as possible.