Christian Vision
Our Vision
'Love God, Love Learning, Love one another.' Matt 22 v 34-36
At Elworth CE our vision is to see all children live out their full God given potential in school and apply it to their wider lives. Christian values are at the heart of the life and work within our school and are reflected in all areas of school life. Through the Christian Values of: Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Wisdom, Friendship, Respect, Perseverance and Community we teach the children all about God and how to live out their lives as Courageous Advocates.
What is a Courageous Advocate?
'What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and and to love mercy and to walk wholly with your God.' Micah 6:8
Courageous advocacy is a long term legacy, an endowment to future generations; it is about releasing the possibility of the pupils in our school to serve the common good. Through daily collective worship the children are taught to become 'Agents of Change' learning about issues of injustice and speaking out at whatever level this takes place. Speaking out and taking action requires a good level of courage. Educating for courageous advocacy must embody an ethos of action taking, challenging injustice and becoming agents of change in the transformation of ourselves, our relationships and our communities from the local level to the global.
What is Collective Worship?
Collective Worship, is a time dedicated to all of us meeting with God. It is a time of prayer, praise, reflection and response and also a time to discuss themes and issues which effect all of us. We look at the lives of people who inspire us to do even greater things: Jesus would be at the heart of this but also we would focus on the lives of those the Holy Spirit inspired, such as: Thomas Barnardo, George Muller, Jackie Pullinger and Bethany Hamilton. By learning about these inspirational people we endeavour to help the children aspire to achieve greater things; to be the person God created them to be - an agent of change!
To fulfill this vision our school Chaplain, Cathryn Houghton works in partnership with the school to ensure that the school community has a good opportunity to develop spiritually. The Chaplaincy role is both distinctive and inclusive; meeting people where they are and accepting them unconditionally. Our Chaplain seeks to share God's presence by her words and actions. Her role is completely relational and depends upon the building of good relationships with our local families. There are close links with St. Peter's Church which underpin the embedding of our Christian values in daily life. Our children are encouraged to be part of many groups that take place at St. Peter's such as: Lego Church and Messy Church. A good number of them also attend a range of Friday night Clubs appropriate to their age. and all seeking to share the message of Jesus.
Worship Warrior Team
The Worship Warrior Team at Elworth CE comprises of seventeen children spanning the KS2 age group. This team is vital to supporting the spiritual life of the school. Working closely with our Chaplain, our Worship Warriors help to plan Collective Worship and are integral to the smooth running of school Worship sessions. They provide pupil voice and also seek to gather the pupil voice too through interviews and questionnaires after worship/prayer space sessions. Our Worship Warriors also seek to promote spiritual development within their own class settings through the monitoring of class reflection areas. They help to ensure that class worship books are kept up to date and they actively engage in the development of ideas for prayer. Their service to the school is vital and ever developing.