Y4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Cunniffe
Mrs Garratt
Mrs Wadsworth
Welcome to the Year 4 webpage
Mrs Cunniffe and Mrs Garratt are our Phase Leaders and teachers of Robin Class
Mrs Wadsworth teaches Blackbird Class
Useful links
Google Classroom - classroom.google.com/a/elworthce.cheshire.sch.uk
AR Bookfinder - http://www.arbookfind.co.uk/
Times table Rock Stars - https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth
Spelling shed - https://play.edshed.com/
Autumn 2024
Our year 4 topic is a geography based topic called ‘Splash! Where does all the water go?’ and will focus on mountains and rivers. The children will be developing their map skills, fieldwork skills and asking and answering geographical questions to find out more about mountains and rivers. We have an exciting visit planned to Macclesfield Forest as part of our topic. During this visit, we will be taking part in a river study which will include measuring different aspects of the river, including depth, width and speed of flow. We will also be visiting different river features and learning how they are formed.
Please download the topic web at the bottom of the page to find out more about what we will be covering in our topic this term.
In English, we will be looking at 'The Rhyhym of the Rain' by Grahame Baker-Smith. We will be working towards writing a setting narrative and an information leaflet based on this text.
The children will receive weekly spelling homework on Spelling Shed linked to the spelling patterns they are learning in class. In addition, the children should learn the National Curriculum spelling lists which were given out at the start of the year. Children are expected to learn one column of spellings per half term and will require help and support at home to ensure the children achieve well. Ideally this should happen weekly – little and often – to enable the children to master the spelling of all of the words. We realise that some of these spellings may appear quite demanding, but every child in the country has to be proficient in the spelling of these relevant age-related words. (See attached list)
Times Tables
In June, the children will be completing the multiplication tables check (MTC). This is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies, including free schools, in England. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. You may best support your child in preparation for this by encouraging regular practice of their times tables and TTRS is an excellent tool for this. We will continue to teach and prepare them for the MTC in class also.
Love Music Trust
We are very fortunate here at Elworth that all our Year 4 children benefit from weekly whole class instrument lessons! Year 4 will be having tuition in Woodwind. The instruments will come home later in the term for the children to practise their pieces.
PE Timetables
PE is timetabled for Wednesday afternoon for children in year 4 this term and all children need to come to school dressed in their PE kit at this time. At this time of the year, the weather is very changeable so always send your child in with the appropriate PE uniform (please refer to the school PE uniform policy on our website for guidance). May we remind you that all uniform should be labelled to avoid any confusion and missing kit.
Fitness Friday
We will continue to come to school dressed in our PE kits on Fridays, as we have a focus on keeping active and healthy. Prepare for an active and enjoyable day of learning!
All children are expected to read for up to 30 minutes three times per week as part of their homework and have their reading diary signed by an adult. These will be checked by their teacher during Reading lessons. All pupils in Year 2/3/4, when reaching a suitable standard, will have access to Accelerated Reader, where children read their choice of book and complete a comprehension quiz online at the end. These results are tracked by teachers and the children achieve points for good test results.
Children in Year 4 receive weekly homework in maths, times tables, spellings and reading. Homework is set on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday.
Subject |
Day Set |
Completed by |
Maths |
- Times Tables Rock Stars - Maths Shed |
Monday | Monday |
English |
- Spelling Shed - Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling CGP book (*later in the term) |
Monday | Monday |
Reading | Minimum of 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes | Reading Records to be signed by an adult 3 times a week, thank you | |
Spellings | - National Curriculum spelling list | Start of half term | Last week of half term |
If you have any further questions or queries about life in Year 4, please arrange to speak with your child’s class teacher.
Thank you for your continuing support,
Mrs Cunniffe, Mrs Garratt and Mrs Wadsworth